
Litostrojska 44d, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenija

T: +386 (0) 1 620 24 40
F: +386 (0) 1 620 24 44

»Vacuum circles« are used for vacuumizing and prooving refrigerator compressor systems before filling with refrigerator gas.

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Processes automation

We can provide automation processes that are:

  • Handling machines for induction heating
  • Automated positioning machines
  • Robotic stations for induction heating

»Turn key« solutions

The majority of automation processes were applied on the field of induction heating, but other applications have been successfully achieved as well. An example of the latter are our automated lines called „vacuum circles“ that are used in the refrigeration industry.

Vacuum circles

These »vacuum circles« are used forvacuuming and proving refrigerator compressor systems before filling them with refrigerator gas. In addition to this, we also specialize in the automatic control of different heating processes (also non inductive) in various branches of industry.

News and articles
Machine for induction heating of brass billets

Machine for induction heating of brass billets


The machine was specifically designed for induction heating and handling of brass billets with different diame... Read more

Machine for induction heating of brass billets


Machine for induction heating of brass billets

The machine was specifically designed for induction heating and handling of brass billets with different diame... Read more


Machine for induction heating of brass billets

The machine was specifically designed for induction heating and handli... Read more

Induction tube welding machine

Induction tube welding machine


Our team has designed an induction heating machine that can weld together tubes for various applications - oil... Read more

Induction tube welding machine


Induction tube welding machine

Our team has designed an induction heating machine that can weld together tubes for various applications - oil... Read more


Induction tube welding machine

Our team has designed an induction heating machine that can weld toget... Read more

Universal vertical and horizontal induction hardening machine

Universal vertical and horizontal induction hardening machine


This machine has been designed as a universal induction hardening machine for shafts, gear wheels and differen... Read more

Universal vertical and horizontal induction hardening machine


Universal vertical and horizontal induction hardening machine

This machine has been designed as a universal induction hardening machine for shafts, gear wheels and differen... Read more


Universal vertical and horizontal induction hardening machine

This machine has been designed as a universal induction hardening mach... Read more

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