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Litostrojska 44d, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenija

T: +386 (0) 1 620 24 40
F: +386 (0) 1 620 24 44

We succeeded to develop special induction brazing technologies for hard brazing of joints in all kinds of industry.

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Preheating for forging application

 Output induction heating power:  400 kW
 Working frequency range:  15 – 30 kHz
 Capacity to heat work pieces on 1250°C:  1200 kg/h

    With the power output of 400kW this machine is one of the most powerful we have. It is used for preheating rods of various diameters and lengths meant for forging and also for preheating work pieces for forging hand tools.

    Together with our client, who has supplied a selling scheme for this machine, we have achieved a capacity of 1200 kg/h at 1250 °C.

    News and articles
    Machine for induction heating of brass billets

    Machine for induction heating of brass billets


    The machine was specifically designed for induction heating and handling of brass billets with different diame... Read more

    Machine for induction heating of brass billets


    Machine for induction heating of brass billets

    The machine was specifically designed for induction heating and handling of brass billets with different diame... Read more


    Machine for induction heating of brass billets

    The machine was specifically designed for induction heating and handli... Read more

    Induction tube welding machine

    Induction tube welding machine


    Our team has designed an induction heating machine that can weld together tubes for various applications - oil... Read more

    Induction tube welding machine


    Induction tube welding machine

    Our team has designed an induction heating machine that can weld together tubes for various applications - oil... Read more


    Induction tube welding machine

    Our team has designed an induction heating machine that can weld toget... Read more

    Universal vertical and horizontal induction hardening machine

    Universal vertical and horizontal induction hardening machine


    This machine has been designed as a universal induction hardening machine for shafts, gear wheels and differen... Read more

    Universal vertical and horizontal induction hardening machine


    Universal vertical and horizontal induction hardening machine

    This machine has been designed as a universal induction hardening machine for shafts, gear wheels and differen... Read more


    Universal vertical and horizontal induction hardening machine

    This machine has been designed as a universal induction hardening mach... Read more

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